God Jul!

FourFact AB önskar alla en God Jul denna Luciamorgon. Vi gör det genom en donation till Practical Actions arbete i Darfur. De är troligen den enda organisation som är på plats där. Deras arbete med att ge invånarna tillgång till energisnåla spisar räddar inte bara naturen, utan minskar särskilt riskerna för de familjemedlemmar som samlar ved. Det är vanligen kvinnor och barn som måste vistas i de farliga omgivningarna med risk för sina liv.

Shortage of fuel for cooking is one of the many problems faced by the 2 million internally displaced people in Darfur, Sudan. Gathering fuel is generally women?s work and is dangerous. Women have been attacked, raped or killed during their search for firewood. Sources of firewood near the camps are now completely depleted, leading women to travel further and further afield or to dig up tree roots, eliminating any chance of the trees growing again.

Various alternative cooking fuels such as kerosene or LPG have been tried but both the stoves and the fuel proved too costly for people living in the camps.

Practical Action is tackling this problem through the use of improved woodstoves, which are both affordable and easy to use. The improved stove has high sides which assist heat transfer. Practical Action’s project staff originally helped to develop this stove at Wau Nour, a camp for displaced and marginalised people, on the outskirts of Kassala, Sudan, as part of a project to reduce indoor air pollution due to cooking.

Over 150 women have been trained to use the new stoves and are now able to teach these techniques to others. Essential fuel saving tips such as using dry wood, pre-soaking beans before cooking, using a weighted lid and controlling the air supply to the fire are included in the training programme.

These methods cut fuel use in half and as a result the incidence of violence towards women has significantly reduced.

Klandra inte spegeln om Du inte gillar bilden

Då och då kommer det kraftig kritik mot de energiscenarier som till exempel IEA publicerar i sina årliga skrifter. Som senast den här från en organisation som heter Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) och har skrivit en rapport med det klatschiga namnet “Off Track”.

The International Energy Agency has wrongly guided governments into decisions about oil, gas and coal use that are inconsistent with the long-term climate objectives of the Paris Agreement

Men är det sant? Är det IEA som vilseleder? Så här förklarar IEA hur scenarierna konstrueras (jämför med bild nedan)

- New Policies Scenario of the World Energy Outlook broadly serves as the IEA baseline scenario. It takes account of broad policy commitments and plans that have been announced by countries, including national pledges to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and plans to phase out fossil-energy subsidies, even if the measures to implement these commitments have yet to be identified or announced.

- Current Policies Scenario assumes no changes in policies from the mid-point of the year of publication (previously called the Reference Scenario).

- 450 Scenario sets out an energy pathway consistent with the goal of limiting the global increase in temperature to 2°C by limiting concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to around 450 parts per million of CO2.

Två av de scenarier som presenteras är alltså reflexioner av vad som händer i världen och det som är på väg att hända till följd av de beslut som fattats i olika beslutsorgan (länder, samarbetsorganisationer mm). Det är bilder INTE rekommendationer!

Om vi inte gillar det vi ser måste vi kanske rätta till de egna anletsdragen. Men klandra inte spegeln!


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