I Lissabon där dansa de

på Kungens röda slott, sjunger man i Karlfeldts dikt. Och de har anledning! Presidenten (som numera har hand om slotten) har låtit göra en energideklaration som visar att man kan spara 40% och få investeringen återbetald på mindre än tre år (se nedan)!

Vad gör den svenske kungen, vad gör statsministern, vad gör Boverket? Hallå!

His Excellency the President of Portugal Prof. Cavaco Silva has just announced the results of an Energy Audit to the 10 historical public-buildings included in the Presidential Palace (18 000m2), named ?Palácio de Belém?, where more than 300 people work.

With the energy efficiency measures recommended in the Report and which will be fully implemented, it will be possible in the Palace, during this year, to reduce the energy costs by 40% relative to 2007; and to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases by 30%, relative to 2007. 

Measures include:

1.    Installation of a solar thermal system (surface 50m2) for water heating;
2.    Installation of a mycrogeneration photovoltaic system (5KWp) to produce electricity;
3.    Conversion of the consumptions from fuel to natural gas;
4.    Reduction of the stand-by consumptions;
5.    Renewal of the natural gas boilers;
6.    Renewal of the heating, cooling and ventilation systems;
7.    Set up a thermal isolation in the covering of the buildings;
8.    Replace windows (double glass and energy efficient equipments);
9.    Renewal of the lighting system (more than 1200 light bulbs were already replaced for more efficient ones);
10. Training actions on Rational Use of Energy.

These measures will require an investment of 176 000? with a 2,8 years pay-back.

“It is proven: energy efficiency is environmentally and economically compensating. It is time each one of us, in his home or at work, undertakes the change in behaviour that is indispensable to fight climate change, in the name of the next generations. The State must give the example with an environmentally friendlier public procurement. As President of the Republic I wanted to give the example. I sincerely hope this good example is repeated in other public offices?, the President Cavaco Silva said.

Klandra inte spegeln om Du inte gillar bilden

DĂ„ och dĂ„ kommer det kraftig kritik mot de energiscenarier som till exempel IEA publicerar i sina Ă„rliga skrifter. Som senast den hĂ€r frĂ„n en organisation som heter Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) och har skrivit en rapport med det klatschiga namnet “Off Track”.

The International Energy Agency has wrongly guided governments into decisions about oil, gas and coal use that are inconsistent with the long-term climate objectives of the Paris Agreement

Men Ă€r det sant? Är det IEA som vilseleder? SĂ„ hĂ€r förklarar IEA hur scenarierna konstrueras (jĂ€mför med bild nedan)

- New Policies Scenario of the World Energy Outlook broadly serves as the IEA baseline scenario. It takes account of broad policy commitments and plans that have been announced by countries, including national pledges to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and plans to phase out fossil-energy subsidies, even if the measures to implement these commitments have yet to be identified or announced.

- Current Policies Scenario assumes no changes in policies from the mid-point of the year of publication (previously called the Reference Scenario).

- 450 Scenario sets out an energy pathway consistent with the goal of limiting the global increase in temperature to 2°C by limiting concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to around 450 parts per million of CO2.

TvÄ av de scenarier som presenteras Àr alltsÄ reflexioner av vad som hÀnder i vÀrlden och det som Àr pÄ vÀg att hÀnda till följd av de beslut som fattats i olika beslutsorgan (lÀnder, samarbetsorganisationer mm). Det Àr bilder INTE rekommendationer!

Om vi inte gillar det vi ser mÄste vi kanske rÀtta till de egna anletsdragen. Men klandra inte spegeln!


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