World Economic Association inviterar till en konferens om uthållighet som tar sin utgångspunkt i kärnkraftsproblemen sådana de manifesterats i (och efter) Fukushima.
Det hela kommer att ske online i perioden 18 juni-15 juli och man har möjlighet att sända in papers senast den 28 maj på olika teman:
Sustainability has many dimensions and we welcome contributions in the following areas, though others will be considered if the papers warrant them. We also welcome contributions from many countries as this would help an analysis of the comparative situation and of different perspectives on ecological issues.
?Cost benefit analysis on the usage of alternative sources of energy
?Sustainable firms and business
?Law, economics and ecology
?Global sustainable policies
?Strategies for building sustainable cities
?Ecology issues and policies in different countries
All submissions will be screened for relevance and suitability of content, after which they will be posted on this website for debate. The debate will take the form of an extended, text-based, online exchange and commentary over a period of four weeks, after which the papers and comments will be lodged within the WEA archives. We aim to publish conference proceedings or book volume if the contributions warrant it.
Låter rätt spännande!? Kolla deras nyhetsbrev för att komma i stämning.
Skrivet av Hans Nilsson, 2012-04-23.
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