Brittisk kärnkraft - tilting the playing field

EOn och RWE har dragit sig ur spelet om framtida Brittisk kärnkraft. European Energy Review gör en analys där man bl.a. noterar att den Brittiska regeringen hävdat att kärnkraften inte skall särbehandlas utan att man skall ha “level playing field”. Men man anar att planen kommer att tippas en aning:

The make-or-break factor for the British nuclear programme is no doubt economic. The government has insisted from the start that projects need to be fully financed by private companies. That sounds brave enough, but Whitehall knows all too well that no private company is going to commit itself to a multibillion, multi-decade nuclear project without solid government guarantees. would be very surprising if such “discussions” did not lead to some firm financial arrangements. Which means that in the end, the future of the UK nuclear programme will depend above all on the government’s policy decisions rather than on any decisions by private companies.

PSST! Det där med effektivisering kanske skulle vara billigare, eller…......?  wink


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