Nobelpris eller IKEA

I Storbritannien pågår en intensiv diskussion om energiframtiden och The Guardian har gjort en stor genomgång i en artikel som tar sin utgångspunkt i kärnkraften och provar olika lösningar. En slutsats är att effektivisering vore det klart bästa alternativet och att problemet inte sitter i tekniken utan i tillhandahållandet. Den som löser det problemet kan vänta sig ett Nobelpris eller kanske (troligare) har startat energivärldens IKEA!

Citat från The Guardians artikel:

“..........The country could comfortably do away with any pressure to build new nuclear power stations if only we bought and used energy in a smarter way.

What may be required is genius in accounts and marketing rather than nuclear physics or aerodynamics. One of the great failures of Britain’s electricity market is that the companies which supply households with electricity compete to sell electricity at the lowest price, rather than competing to power, heat and light our homes at the lowest price. It’s as if restaurants competed to stuff customers with the cheapest possible food without either party noticing or caring that, each time, two-thirds of the meal was left on the plate.

“Somehow or other, we’ve got to find a commercial answer that makes us money and makes our customers’ lives better by them consuming less energy,” says Skillings. “If I knew the answer, I could go away and collect my Nobel prize right now.”







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