Hur gammal är Trump år 2047?

Troligen är han på den säkra (hin)sidan för att slippa uppleva de mera katastrofala följderna av klimatproblemen. De som först märker hur illa det blir är tropiska länder medan Trumps hemtrakter har ytterligare 27 år att vinka på sägs det i en artikel i Huffington Post, “Climate Catastrophe Will Hit Tropics Around 2020, Rest Of World Around 2047”.

Artikeln vilar på en solid bas av material som publiceras inom kort i Nature med titeln “The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability” och där man bedömer utvecklingen under en 140 årsperiod och tittar på hur avvikelserna tilltar (se bild nedan).

Texten i Nature fordrar koncentration och inlevelse men författaren i Huffington hjälper till med översättningen:

This study notes the “obvious disparity between those who benefit from the process leading to climate change and those who will have to pay for most of the environmental and social costs.” Of course, “those who benefit from the process leading to climate change” are the oil companies, and the coal companies, and the natural gas companies, and the pipeline and service companies, and ultimately their owners: especially the aristocratic families who control them. It would be false to assume that any poor people, even in countries such as the United States, will benefit from continuation of “the process leading to climate change.” However, some of the chief financial backers of the Republican Party and of other conservative political parties in the moderate-latitude countries benefit enormously from that “process.” Thus, many people who will not benefit from climate change end up voting for climate change; and, of course, their children and subsequent descendants will suffer greatly from their votes.

Den borde även Trump kunna förstå, eller…?



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