Tuesday, June 16, 2015

G7 och klimatproblemen

Mötena mellan världens stora brukar ofta mynna ut i välformulerade deklarationer som emellertid har lite innehåll och praktisk betydelse. Det senaste mötet i G7 har (enligt bedömare som är vana att tolka texterna) avvikit såtillvida att skrivningarna om klimatfrågorna är ovanligt tydliga och “bindande”. Döm själva (sidorna 12-14) där det bland annat sägs att de skall…:

...follow a low-carbon and resilient development pathway in line with the global goal to hold the increase in global average temperature below 2 °C…... We commit to doing our part to achieve a low-carbon global economy in the long-term including developing and deploying innovative technologies striving for a transformation of the energy sectors by 2050 and invite all countries to join us in this endeavor

När det gäller energi så har de slagit fast sju principer:

This work will be based on the core principles agreed by our Ministers of Energy on May 5-6 2014, in Rome:

1. Development of flexible, transparent and competitive energy markets, including gas markets.
2. Diversification of energy fuels, sources and routes, and encouragement of indigenous sources of energy supply.
3. Reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, and accelerating the transition to a low carbon economy as a key contribution to sustainable energy security.
4. Enhancing energy efficiency in demand and supply, and demand response management.
5. Promoting deployment of clean and sustainable energy technologies and continued investment in research and innovation.
6. Improving energy systems resilience by promoting infrastructure modernization and supply and demand policies that help withstand systemic shocks.
7. Putting in place emergency response systems, including reserves and fuel substitution for importing countries, in case of major energy disruptions.

Frågan är om Sverige kan få besvär med dessa principer eftersom Energimyndigheten inte håller med om principen 4!  rolleyes

G7 och klimatproblemen

Mötena mellan världens stora brukar ofta mynna ut i välformulerade deklarationer som emellertid har lite innehåll och praktisk betydelse. Det senaste mötet i G7 har (enligt bedömare som är vana att tolka texterna) avvikit såtillvida att skrivningarna om klimatfrågorna är ovanligt tydliga och “bindande”. Döm själva (sidorna 12-14) där det bland annat sägs att de skall…:

...follow a low-carbon and resilient development pathway in line with the global goal to hold the increase in global average temperature below 2 °C…... We commit to doing our part to achieve a low-carbon global economy in the long-term including developing and deploying innovative technologies striving for a transformation of the energy sectors by 2050 and invite all countries to join us in this endeavor

När det gäller energi så har de slagit fast sju principer:

This work will be based on the core principles agreed by our Ministers of Energy on May 5-6 2014, in Rome:

1. Development of flexible, transparent and competitive energy markets, including gas markets.
2. Diversification of energy fuels, sources and routes, and encouragement of indigenous sources of energy supply.
3. Reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, and accelerating the transition to a low carbon economy as a key contribution to sustainable energy security.
4. Enhancing energy efficiency in demand and supply, and demand response management.
5. Promoting deployment of clean and sustainable energy technologies and continued investment in research and innovation.
6. Improving energy systems resilience by promoting infrastructure modernization and supply and demand policies that help withstand systemic shocks.
7. Putting in place emergency response systems, including reserves and fuel substitution for importing countries, in case of major energy disruptions.

Frågan är om Sverige kan få besvär med dessa principer eftersom Energimyndigheten inte håller med om principen 4!  rolleyes

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