Men borde kanske vara? The European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy har sin summer-study 4-9 juni 2007 och Du borde överväga att vara med. Det är det i särklass billigaste sättet att fortbilda sig inom området energieffektivisering. Och det är angenämnt också. Nästa år kommer vi bl.a. att att ta upp den känsliga frågan om vi verkligen är så duktiga som vi tycker i en av panelerna (#1). Du kanske har svaret!!
Annars har vi ytterligare 8 ämnesområden att välja bland.
Panel 1: The Foundations of a future energy policy (Longer term strategies)
Much of the work to improve energy efficiency and to reduce the use of energy is based on incrementalism (one little step every day takes us closer to a good solution). One reason for this is that many of the powerful actors have since long determined their agenda and have concluded that they have a lot to lose and only little to gain from radical rethinking. In the world of energy research and policy our reaction has been to identify barriers to energy efficiency and attack many of them successfully, but still the use of energy grows. We are making good strides but they are still too short.
Are we to shy, are we not imaginative enough, do we have a too limited vision of what to achieve - and if this is the case, what else could be done? Too often, ideas about change, on which policies rest, are chewed over again and not raised up for debate and renewal. The purpose of this panel is to seek ideas on new mechanisms of change, both within current market-centred paradigms but also where market-instruments fail or are too blunt. This panel would invite papers that take up issues around social change, innovation (both social and technological) and how they could contribute to a reduction of energy use. Pertinent questions that papers should address are what kind of changes are we trying to promote, what do we need to do more of, whom should be addressed to make the changes and where do we need new thinking?
Papers on the following topics will be particularly welcome:
- Visions, long-term challenges and struggles
- Long-term Market transformation.
- The Market as an instrument - Its opportunities and limitations
- Instrumental use of learning curves
- Rethinking supply (size and configuration)
- Niches moves the markets
- Energy sufficiency vs efficiency, Sustainability goes beyond technologies
- Europe as a model for the rest of the world
- The theory and practice of (making) change
Panel leaders:
Hal Wilhite, Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo, Norway
Hans Nilsson, Fourfact, Sweden
Skrivet av Hans Nilsson, 2006-08-21.
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