E3G gör en snygg liten uppställning där de slaktar några myter som de flesta av oss trott varit avlidna och balsamerade sedan länge. Men efter att ha tagit del av några samrådsövningar där bland annat svenska “intressenter” medverkat och luftat sin syn på att det inte behövs några speciella åtgärder, särskilt inte inom EU, så inser man att okunskap och ovilja kan hålla liv i gamla lögner länge.
Här återges myterna i förkortad form, känns de igen?. I E3Gs dokument, som kan laddas ned som pdf, finns också motsvarande sanningar!
MYTH: “We are doing enough already”
The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that an eightfold increase in current levels of energy efficiency investment is needed across the economy to 2040 to keep the EU on track to the ‘well below 2°C’ goal.MYTH: “We have done as much as we can”
Almost half of the EU’s cost effective energy saving potential has been ignored by only setting the 2030 target at ‘at least 27%’.MYTH: “It pays for itself, so there’s no need to regulate”
Huge barriers or market failures stand in the way, such as split incentives or the disincentive caused by high upfront costs. This affects consumer choices.MYTH: “It’s too hard”
Well designed energy efficiency policies can have a big impact…..a car that is 25% more fuel-efficient typically saves its owner €5000 over its lifetime.MYTH: “Pushing for more will crash the ETS”
The success of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) will not depend on the EU’s progress on energy efficiency. ….more than 70% of future efficiency improvements to 2030 will come from sectors outside the ETS.
Skrivet av Hans Nilsson, 2016-05-12.
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