I en rapport från UK-ERC om vad som gjorts och vad som återstår får vi veta att:
* Since 2004, improved energy efficiency has helped reduce the UK’s total household energy consumption by one fifth, saving theaverage dual fuel household £490 in 2015.
* Technically, one half of the energy currently used in UK housing could be saved by investing in a mix of current Technologies encompassing improved energy efficiency, heat pumps and heat networks.
* Cost-effective investments to 2035 could save around one quarter of the energy currently used, an average saving of £270 per household per year at current energy prices.
* This saving is approximately equivalent to the output of six nuclear power stations the size of Hinkley Point C.
* Using Treasury guidance for policy appraisal, this investment has an estimated net present value of £7.5 billion.
* Experimental appraisal undertaken for this briefing estimates that the value of additional benefits from these investments – including improved health, additional economic activity and benefits to the electricity system – could be up to £47 billion.
Just den sista punkten i listan är intressant eftersom den visar att några av PLUS-värdena (multiple benefits) är drygt 5 gånger så stora som de direkta besparingarna (se också bild nedan)
Skrivet av Hans Nilsson, 2017-09-12.
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