Den snabbaste vägen till en energieffektiv framtid

Går via eceee summerstudy. Se bara vad de sade som var där senast ( Skulle Du inte hunnit anmäla dig (och din personal) - misströsta inte - Du hinner! Tror Du att det är dyrt? Så fruktansvärt fel Du har! Fem dagar med helpension c:a 14900 SEK (beroende på vad Du får betala för Euron). Det är billigare än de flesta tvådagars kurser i Sverige där dessutom kost och logi tillkommer!

Energy efficiency first: The foundation of a low-carbon society
eceee 2011 Summer Study
6?11 June 2011
Belambra Presqu’île de Giens, France

The eceee Summer Study is Europe?s most important cross-cutting energy efficiency event. Here, the ideas of the future energy efficiency policy are presented and discussed. The theme of next year?s Summer Study is Energy efficiency first: The foundation of a low-carbon society. 220 papers will be presented in eight panels, and together with plenary sessions and informal discussions this promises to be a very exciting event.

More people than ever have already signed up and we expect more than 400 participants. There is still on-site accommodation left, but make sure to register soon so you don’t miss out on this unique event. Your next chance won’t be until 2013!
Register now!

“Inspirational. Tiring. Delightful”
Since 1993, eceee’s Summer Studies have advanced the frontiers in energy efficiency policy, research and implementation. It provides a full working week of formal but yet straightforward sessions together with informal meetings, wonderful climate and pleasant surroundings. Here, participants exchange ideas in a relaxed but intensely intellectual atmosphere, have lively discussions and come up with creative ideas.

Networking is intense. A summer study participant described the event with three words: “Inspirational. Tiring. Delightful”. And this captures the essence of an eceee Summer Study.

Participating in the Summer Study is also great for making contacts, regardless if you are looking for clients, need to discuss a project or are about to recruit qualified staff in a sector where demand of competent experts are greater than the supply.

Discuss your project, even without a formal paper
The heart of the Summer Study is the presentation and discussion of refereed papers in parallel panel sessions. Posters are presented in a session attended by all participants. Keynote speakers address plenary sessions.

During the week you will have ample time to share ideas with like-minded.

But the Summer Study also offers a structured setting for spontaneous discussions through scheduled informal sessions. Here, you sign up on-site for one of the 50+ hourly informal session slots.

Keynote speakers and programme on-line
We are proud to announce an impressive line-up of keynote speakers:
* Peter Bach of eceee and Paul Hodson of the European Commission will discuss European energy efficiency challenges moderated by Fiona Harvey, the Guardian’s environmental correspondent.
* eceee’s Hal Wilhite will introduce and moderate a session on growth and consumption.
* Here Anders Wijkman, vice president of the Club of Rome and the Tällberg Foundation, will speak about his new book on the growth dilemma.
* In an international session moderated by eceee’s Eoin Lees, Marianne Moscoso-Osterkorn from REEEP and the newly appointed Executive Director of the Global Building Best Practice Network Peter Graham will share their views on how energy efficiency can help solve international climate problems.

For more information on the programme, please see:

Travel info updated
For travel info

Klandra inte spegeln om Du inte gillar bilden

DĂ„ och dĂ„ kommer det kraftig kritik mot de energiscenarier som till exempel IEA publicerar i sina Ă„rliga skrifter. Som senast den hĂ€r frĂ„n en organisation som heter Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) och har skrivit en rapport med det klatschiga namnet “Off Track”.

The International Energy Agency has wrongly guided governments into decisions about oil, gas and coal use that are inconsistent with the long-term climate objectives of the Paris Agreement

Men Ă€r det sant? Är det IEA som vilseleder? SĂ„ hĂ€r förklarar IEA hur scenarierna konstrueras (jĂ€mför med bild nedan)

- New Policies Scenario of the World Energy Outlook broadly serves as the IEA baseline scenario. It takes account of broad policy commitments and plans that have been announced by countries, including national pledges to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and plans to phase out fossil-energy subsidies, even if the measures to implement these commitments have yet to be identified or announced.

- Current Policies Scenario assumes no changes in policies from the mid-point of the year of publication (previously called the Reference Scenario).

- 450 Scenario sets out an energy pathway consistent with the goal of limiting the global increase in temperature to 2°C by limiting concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to around 450 parts per million of CO2.

TvÄ av de scenarier som presenteras Àr alltsÄ reflexioner av vad som hÀnder i vÀrlden och det som Àr pÄ vÀg att hÀnda till följd av de beslut som fattats i olika beslutsorgan (lÀnder, samarbetsorganisationer mm). Det Àr bilder INTE rekommendationer!

Om vi inte gillar det vi ser mÄste vi kanske rÀtta till de egna anletsdragen. Men klandra inte spegeln!


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