Studies show a range of employment effects from energy efficiency investment whose impacts average about 17 to 19 jobs generated for every EUR 1 million spent on efficiency interventions. These jobs result from the direct creation of posts as well as new employment further up the production chain as efficiency provides consumers new savings that they can spend, bolstering overall economic activity.
Det är IEA som skriver detta i en artikel där man konstaterar att effektivisering är mer än bara det som syns på räkningen.
In industry, efficiency not only raises profit through lower operating costs, it can also provide consistency and improvement in quality and output. Studies suggest that the multiple benefits in the overall industrial sector may be worth up to 2.5 times the value of energy savings.
Men detta gäller ju som vi alla vet inte i Sverige! Här lever vi nämligen i en perfekt marknadsekonomi där alla lönsamma åtgärder redan är genomförda. Men det kan ju vara bra för andra länder.
Skrivet av Hans Nilsson, 2013-10-08.
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