Möjligheten kan finnas genom de skärpningar som rapportören (Åsa Westlund) föreslår och där det bl.a. står att läsa:
- There should not be any ambiguity that contracting authorities are allowed to set demands that are stricter or go further than current EU-legislation in specific areas.
- Innovative solutions should be promoted in public procurement. Public purchasers should be encouraged to buy innovative products and services in order to achieve the goals of
sustainable development. New innovative solutions and ideas are necessary in the area of environment and public procurement should be used as a tool to meet such needs.
Lite underbyggnad kan hon kanske finna i :
* Purchasers? requirements dictate development: A Study of technology procurement. (http://fourfact.com/images/uploads/Ellen_komprimerad_smallestny.pdf)
Skrivet av Hans Nilsson, 2012-05-10.
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