Blir effektivisering lättare med kretslopp?

I en rapport om hur väl vi använder jordens resurser (jämför bild 1 nedan), The CIRCULARITY GAP report, hävdas att återanvändningen (kretsloppsandelen) av allt materialflöde är 9,1%.

Intuitivt känner man att mera fokus på kretslopp gör hela energiomställningsprocessen mera komplicerad, men det är kanske fel!? Så här skriver de i rapporten:

The transition to circularity is therefore a means to an end. As a multi-stakeholder model, a circular economy has the ability to unite a global community behind an action agenda, engaged and empowered both collectively and individually.

Och det är kanske rätt? Ju fler vi är tillsammans som det heter i den gamla schlagern. För det är många moment i strategins delar som arbetar i samma riktning, (se bild 2 och tabell som följer):

Prioritise Regenerative Resources: Ensure renewable, reusable, non-toxic resources are utilised as materials
and energy in an efficient way.
Preserve and Extend What’s Already Made: Maintain, repair and upgrade resources in use to maximise their
lifetime and give them a second life through take-back strategies, where applicable.
Use Waste as a Resource: Utilise waste streams as a source of secondary resources and recover waste for
reuse and recycling.
Rethink the Business Model: Consider opportunities to create greater value and align incentives through
business models that build on the interaction between products and services.
Design For the Future: Adopt a systemic perspective during the design process, to employ the right
materials for appropriate lifetime and extended future use.
Incorporate Digital Technology: Track and optimise resource use and strengthen connections between
supply-chain actors through digital, online platforms and technologies.
Collaborate to Create Joint Value: Work together throughout the supply chain, internally within
organisations and with the public sector to increase transparency and create shared value.

Och så här står det i rapporten:

The Club of Rome compared development scenarios for five EU member states and found that renewable energy and energy efficiency alone can reduce greenhouse gas emissions 50%. When adding circular economy strategies that number would increase to 70%.

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