Ändrade beteenden på sjukhus sparar energi

Som en liten julgåva ber IEA DSM University att få bjuda på ett webinarium. Vi är väl medvetna om att ändrade beteenden är viktiga och nödvändiga, men hur gör man i verkligheten? Det kan vi berätta!

How to design, implement and evaluate behaviour change interventions in a sector that is often overlooked but has huge energy efficiency potentials: hospitals


21 Dec 2017 @ 15:00 CET
(check your local time)
Duration: 1h

The Carolina Healthcare System (CHS) in the Carolinas is among the leading, and largest healthcare organisations in the U.S., employing 62,000 people in 940 care locations. The system has 7,500 beds and over 12 million patient encounters every year. In its commitment to energy management, efficiency and conservation, the organisation is pursuing strategies to decrease its energy use. One such strategy is implementing programmes that encourage building facilities staff to change their behaviour. The first phase in the CHS behaviour change program, Energy Connect, is an intervention that encourages operators to detect and act on energy inefficiencies within the buildings they are responsible for. Building operators account for a small percentage of people in each building, but have a disproportionally high impact on energy use. Therefore, if they were to change their behaviours, they could dramatically reduce overall energy use. IEA DSM Task 24 and ACEEE’s Behavior and Human Dimensions of Energy Efficiency program helped the Sustainability Director of CHS to co-create a highly collaborative behaviour change field trial.







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