Energieffektvisering och förnybar energi tillsammans ger extra kraft

Hur Då undrar Du?
Det berättar vi på ett av DSM Universities webinarier där professor Peter Lund från Aalto University i Helsingfors föreläser. Detaljer nedan

Integration of energy efficiency and renewable energy - multiple benefits!
23 Mar 2017 @ 15:00 CET
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Energy efficiency and renewable energies together constitute a major change factor in the transition towards sustainable energy. In the recent IEA scenarios these make up more than two-thirds of the required measures to reach the Paris Climate Agreement goals.

This webinar will discuss the relation of local renewable energy production and energy efficiency measures.
First part will discuss the integration of these two in the built and urban context (where most of the energy is used). We’ll show how energy efficiency, in particular DSM, together with renewable energy and Power-to-X (X=heat, mobility, gas, etc.) measures could provide mainstream energy solutions in large scale.
The second part of the talk will discuss the market side of the integration, in particular adoption and market take up of these new alternatives.
The presentation will make use of research results from the following journal papers, among others:

* Peter Lund. Market penetration rates of new energy technologies. Energy Policy 34 (2006), 3317-3326.
* Peter .D. Lund. Energy policy planning near grid parity using a price-driven technology penetration model. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 90 (2015) 389-399.
* Salpakari, P. Lund. Optimal and rule-based control strategies for energy flexibility in buildings with PV. Applied Energy 161 (2016) 425-43.
* J.Salpakari, J. Mikkola, P.D. Lund. Improved integration of large-scale variable renewable power in cities through optimal control of DSM and power-to-heat measures. Energy Conversion and Management 126 (2016)649-661.

Klandra inte spegeln om Du inte gillar bilden

Då och då kommer det kraftig kritik mot de energiscenarier som till exempel IEA publicerar i sina årliga skrifter. Som senast den här från en organisation som heter Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) och har skrivit en rapport med det klatschiga namnet “Off Track”.

The International Energy Agency has wrongly guided governments into decisions about oil, gas and coal use that are inconsistent with the long-term climate objectives of the Paris Agreement

Men är det sant? Är det IEA som vilseleder? Så här förklarar IEA hur scenarierna konstrueras (jämför med bild nedan)

- New Policies Scenario of the World Energy Outlook broadly serves as the IEA baseline scenario. It takes account of broad policy commitments and plans that have been announced by countries, including national pledges to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and plans to phase out fossil-energy subsidies, even if the measures to implement these commitments have yet to be identified or announced.

- Current Policies Scenario assumes no changes in policies from the mid-point of the year of publication (previously called the Reference Scenario).

- 450 Scenario sets out an energy pathway consistent with the goal of limiting the global increase in temperature to 2°C by limiting concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to around 450 parts per million of CO2.

Två av de scenarier som presenteras är alltså reflexioner av vad som händer i världen och det som är på väg att hända till följd av de beslut som fattats i olika beslutsorgan (länder, samarbetsorganisationer mm). Det är bilder INTE rekommendationer!

Om vi inte gillar det vi ser måste vi kanske rätta till de egna anletsdragen. Men klandra inte spegeln!


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