Den 14 december kl 15-16 kan ni höra Tyler Bryant från IEA presentera årets marknadsstudie för energieffektvisering i ett webinarium för IEA DSM-university. Registrera dig nu så att Du inte missar något. Jag lovar att den är mycket innehållsrik och dessutom visar att IEA fortsätter mot nya höjder på området (se bild nedan).
The Energy Efficiency Market Report is the IEA’s flagship report on energy efficiency trends around the world. Questions addressed in this year’s report include: Are we improving energy efficiency fast enough to achieve our climate goals? Which countries and policies are having the greatest impact and what is the secret to their success? How much is being invested in energy efficiency globally, in specific regions and in the main energy-consuming sectors? How are low energy prices impacting energy efficiency investments? What are the multiple benefits of energy efficiency for the climate, energy security and public budgets? What are the market trends for energy efficiency services and financing?
Rapporten är gratis och kan laddas ned.
Skrivet av Hans Nilsson, 2016-12-07.
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