Det pratas mycket om “smarta” system men ytterst beror det på om det är en smarthet som människor vill ha. Och människor kan vara mycket olika. Är de konsumenter, kunder eller rentav medborgare?
DSM University ordnar ett webinarium på torsdag där Ludwig Karg från projektet S3C presenterar och diskuterar hur man kan gå tillväga. En liten förhandstitt på temat kan man få i en tidigare presentation han gjort.
Involving people in smart energy: a toolkit for utilities, project managers, energy agencies and city developers
Date: February 18, 2016
Time: 15h00-16h00 Central European Time
Users are taking centre stage in future energy systems. Smart grids will only succeed if we take into account the desires, motivations and concerns of people. Developing smart grid products and services represents not only a technological challenge, but an equally importantly a social challenge. The project S3C (Smart Consumer, Smart Customer, Smart Citizen) developed a toolkit with 50 practical guidelines and tools on how to engage consumers in smart energy projects. It covers a wide range of topics. How to better understand the needs of target groups? How to set up attractive incentives or reward schemes? How can I effectively communicate with customers? The webinar will present you with elaborated solutions for the effective engagement of consumers, customer and citizens.
Skrivet av Hans Nilsson, 2016-02-15.
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