Nu uttalar han sig till och med för “fracking” det vill säga den metod som innebär att man förstör mark och grundvatten i jakt på skiffergas. Hans motiv är att det skulle göra Ryssland nervöst (att inte få sälja sin naturgas).
Eceee har studerat den typ av argument han för fram avseende Europas konkurrenskraft (sammanfattas nedan). Om Oettinger verkligen göra ryssarna nervösa borde han satsa på det som hans direktorat jobbar mest med, nämligen effektivisering. Men det är en tröst att hans dagar som kommissionär är räknade.
The paper lays out a strategic framework for increasing the competitiveness of Europe:
1.Map out and harvest the existing cost-effective potential for energy efficiency, based on life-cycle costing analysis. This will reduce the bills and costs for energy for enterprises as well as individual consumers, and take the pressure off the problem of import dependency and uncertainty about future price increases;
2.Develop the methodology for implementation of energy efficiency in programmes that encourage new business models, smarter systems and a more holistic approach in dealing with the market and the customers. Behavioural economics is a key element;
3.In this process to ensure that technologies and applications for appliances, equipment design engineering, and systems development are put in place and made fit for penetrating global markets while meeting domestic market needs. European industry strengthens its role as leaders, both regarding innovation, and understanding the needs of the users of the services provided by energy and energy-related products;
4.Fine-tune these activities for a roll out of distributed generation with renewables in smart grids, as well as full regard to passive technologies; and
5.Position Europe as a market leader in sustainable energy and resource efficiency for the long haul.
Skriven av Hans Nilsson, 05:06 AM.
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