Häromdagen gjordes en framställning till EU-kommissionen i ett gemensamt brev från bland annat Danmark och Tyskland, brevet återges i sin helhet nedan. Ministrar från flera EU-länder påpekar att energieffektivisering måste utgöra kärnan i EU-politiken och vill ha ett bindande mål för detta.
Sverige har erbjudits att delta i denna framställning men avstått. Vad är det som Sverige vet men de andra inte fattar? Det kan väl aldrig vara så att regeringen i sin helhet blivit så impade av Konjunkturinstitutets “analys”? Säg att det inte är så! Snälla!
President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso
European Commission
1049 Bruxelles/Brussel
Commissioner Günther Oettinger
European Commission
1049 Bruxelles/Brussel
Commissioner Connie Hedegaard
European Commission
1049 Bruxelles/Brussel
17 June 2014
Call for a proposal on a binding energy efficiency target for 2030 in light of the forthcoming EED-review in July 2014
Dear President of the European Commission Barroso,
Dear Commissioner Oettinger,
Dear Commissioner Hedegaard,
The signatories of this letter look forward to the forthcoming review of the progress towards the 2020 en-ergy efficiency target. The current situation in the Ukraine emphasises the importance of reducing depend-ence on imported oil and natural gas. Reduction of energy consumption through energy efficiency is the most robust and cost effective means of increasing energy security and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, and there is still a considerable economic potential for energy efficiency improvements in most are-as. The European emission trading scheme (ETS) is currently only able to provide incentives in the electricity and parts of the industry sector, while other sectors like transport, buildings, trade, services and private households are not addressed by the EU ETS. Hence, there is a need for a new energy efficiency policy and target. Therefore, the signatories of this letter share the conviction that the forthcoming review of the pro-gress towards the 2020 energy efficiency target should present a proposal for a binding target for energy efficiency in 2030. With this letter we wish to emphasise why energy efficiency must be at the core of the EU’s climate and energy policy for the period up to 2030 and beyond in a common framework that also includes an ambitious and deliverable greenhouse gas and EU-wide renewables target and facilitates in-creased interconnection capacity.
First, the EU target of a 20 percent energy saving by 2020 must be met. If necessary to reach the 2020 tar-get, we should speed up and aim for an ambitious implementation of existing directives and measures, as well as making better use of funding and support schemes to promote energy savings.
Second, the forthcoming review of the progress towards the 2020 energy efficiency target should present a proposal for a binding target for energy efficiency in 2030. A target is essential to highlight the importance of energy efficiency, and a strong political commitment is crucial to secure the necessary policies and measures, including financing at the EU level and at the national level.
We urge the Commission to come forward with such a proposal in July 2014 before the summer break and in due time to be considered by the European Council in October. The proposal should reflect a modelling of the scenarios from the Commission’s Impact Assessment accompanying the 2030 package, as well as the European Parliament’s proposal for an energy efficiency target. This will provide Member States with a solid and necessary foundation for defining their final position on the basis of which a decision can be taken on the EU’s energy efficiency policy for 2030.
A target for increased energy efficiency in 2030 should be ambitious and support the long-term transfor-mation of the energy system which is needed to reach the EU target of an 80-95 percent reduction of green-house gas emissions by 2050. Also, a target must secure an absolute reduction of energy consump-tion compared to a reference projection as used for the 2020 energy efficiency target. This is crucial to achieve the necessary reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in a cost effective manner and to ensure a high security of energy supply.
Finally, and if necessary to achieve the 2020 target, the review should also present new, common EU poli-cies and instruments for energy efficiency in areas where they can contribute to better and more economic solutions than national instruments.
For all the above reasons, the signatories of this letter share the conviction that an ambitious policy for energy efficiency in the period up to 2030 will strengthen European competitiveness and lead to more jobs and growth. Therefore, the forthcoming review of the progress towards the 2020 energy efficiency target should present a proposal for a binding target for energy efficiency in 2030 in July 2014. We cannot afford to miss this opportunity.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Melchior Wathelet, Secretary of State for Environment, Energy, and Mobility, BELGIUM
Mr. Rasmus Helveg Petersen, Minister for Climate, Energy, and Building, DENMARK
Mr. Sigmar Gabriel, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, and Energy, GERMANY
Dr. Barbara Hendricks, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety, GERMANY
Mr. Ioannis Maniatis, Minister for Environment, Energy, and Climate Change, GREECE
Mr. Pat Rabbitte, Minister for Communications, Energy, and Natural Resources, IRELAND
Mr. Étienne Schneider, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for the Economy, LUXEMBOURG
Ms. Carole Dieschbourg, Minister for the Environment, LUXEMBOURG
Skrivet av Hans Nilsson, 2014-06-19.
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